Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Sountheast Conservatives Breakfast Club meets Oct. 20th.

From Robert Duvall
Good day to Everyone:
Additional Speaker added.
We will be having our October meeting on the 20th of October, at the Shoney’s on Thompson Lane. Breakfast at 8 AM.. Meeting called at order at 9 AM. Our agenda is as follows:

AFP, Americans For Prosperity will share the headliner position of the meeting, with our FOP, Fraternal Order of Police.
We have added Paul Manyok. Paul is an old member. One of the Lost Boys of the Sudan, and has an announcement to make!
Our guest speakers are Jimmy Gafford, FOP, James Amundsen, AFP, Paul Manyok. 
Hope to see you there. Come early. We expect a full house.

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