Monday, October 15, 2018

The 23 worst school in Nashville. These are schools ranked among the bottom 5% of all state schools.

Last month the state of Tennessee issued their list of  "priority" schools. Priority schools are the lowest performing schools in the state. The  list represents the bottom 5 percent of schools in the state based on standardized test results or are high schools with a graduation rate of  less than 67 percent..

Of  the total of 81 schools on the list, 23 are Nashville schools. Nashville was the jurisdiction with the second highest number of schools on the list. Shelby County had 27 schools on the list. Knoxville had no schools on the list and Hamilton County had nine.

In 2015, the last time the list was compiled, Nashville hat only 15 schools on the list. Four school on the 2015 list are now off the list, but more have been added. In 2012, there were only six Nashville schools on the list. Can anyone see a trend here? Our schools are rapidly getting worst.

Two of the schools on the list, Brick Church and Neely's Bend are not overseen by the local school board but are charter schools overseen by the the state's Achievement School District.

Two high schools on the list, Maplewood and Whites Creek, are plagued by chronic absentee rates of 42 percent. Chronic absenteeism is defined as missing more than 10 percent of the school days in a given year. 

When School Director Shawn Joseph was asked how many would still be on the list in three years, he said, "none."  My view is that we should not wait to see if he is correct but should replace Joseph now.

Here's the current 2017-2018 list of Nashville priority schools. 
  • Alex Green Elementary
  • Amqui Elementary
  • Antioch Middle
  • Bellshire Elementary
  • Caldwell Elementary
  • Cumberland Elementary
  • Gra-Mar Middle
  • Haynes Middle
  • Jere Baxter Middle
  • Joelton Middle
  • Madison Middle
  • Maplewood High
  • McMurray Middle
  • Moses McKissack Middle
  • Robert E. Lilliard Elementary
  • Rosebank Elementary
  • The Cohn Learning Center
  • Tom Joy Elementary
  • Warner Elementary
  • Whites Creek High
  • Wright Middle
  • Brick Church
  • Neely's Bend
If your student is assigned to one of these schools you do not have to simply accept the fact. Parents now have school choice and may enroll their child in other schools rather than the district school. There will be a  SCHOOL CHOICE FESTIVAL on Thursday, November 15, 2018,  5-7 the Tennessee State Fairgrounds. Follow the above link for more information. .

For more on this story see these links: link, link, link, link.   

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