Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Vote for Bill Lee for Govenor

Bill Lee
by Mark Rogers - Early Voting begins tomorrow, October 17th. It is important for you to show up and play a role in determining the future of our state and federal governments.

I encourage all Tennesseans to vote for Bill Lee for Governor. Bill has proven his ability to manage a large organization with his skillful operation of the Lee Company. One element of his leadership ability was his building of an excellent campaign organization that enabled him to defeat two candidates who outspent him by millions of dollars. That skill, the picking of the right people, is crucial for anyone seeking to govern a state of over six million people spread across 95 counties and almost 500 miles.

Bill also showed his vision by running a campaign that was designed to unify all Tennesseans. In the primary he rose above the barrages of negative attacks to reach out to Republicans from the right to the center. His victory ensured that we could all put aside the divisiveness and focus on the general election and governing after November.

In the General Election Bill has continued to campaign in a manner designed to unify voters of all ideologies and parties. His vision for Tennessee will build on the achievements of Governor Haslam, Lt. Governors Ramsey and McNally and Speaker Harwell.

Karl Dean was a good mayor and a man to be respected. But Bill Lee has proven he can unify the party that will control both Houses next January and and can unify the citizens of our state as we move toward even greater improvements in Education, our Economy and in the overall quality of life in Tennessee.

Please vote early and often for Bill Lee for Governor.

Mark Rogers is a prominent Nashvillian active in Republican Party politics and public affairs. 

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