Wednesday, November 07, 2018

A Great Victory! A Great Victory Celebration!

by Rod Williams - I am pleased with the election results -relatively pleased. Unfortunately we can expect two years of gridlock and investigation after investigation but it could have been so much worse. The "blue wave" just didn't happen. Democrats did no better than the party out of power normally does in a mid-term.  I think the results would have been much worse if the Dems had not acted so disgustingly toward Judge Kavanaugh. I also think the illegal alien caravan helped by drawing a distinction between border-security Republicans and open-border Democrats. 

I am immensely pleased with the Tennessee results! Great evening! Congratulations Bill Lee and Marsha Blackburn! Both won by comfortable margins when the media was predicting close races. The victory is more spectacular considering the  Democrat opponents of each tried to present themselves as moderate problem solvers, not partisan Democrats.  The voting public was not fooled.  It matters which party governs and I think people get that.

I enjoyed the Marsha Blackburn victory party last night. Victory parties are so much better when you win. It was in big banquet room at the Cool Springs Marriott. Lots of good conversation and networking, OK food. The Pecan crusted chicken bites were good. Cash Bar. Victory speech by Marsha was exhilarating.

Great music by Jack Johnson and the Austin Brothers, Lee Greenwood sang "I'm proud to be an American ..." to a recorded soundtrack, a couple songs from Larry Gatling, and a  full show by John Rich of Big and Rich, with Gretchen Wilson ("Redneck Women") and a new female artist who was great. She sang a moving song and about being the wife and an army Ranger. I bet Nashville has the best victory parties of any state. I doubt other Senate race victory parties had the quality of entertainment.

It was an enjoyable evening. Due to my wife's health condition, it takes planning and luck for me be able to get out and I can't go to everything. I am happy I was able to attend this event.

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