Thursday, November 15, 2018

Beacon Center Condemns Amazon Incentive Package

by Mark Cunningham, Beacon Center, Nov. 13, 2018- News broke this morning that the state of Tennessee and city of Nashville will give Amazon more than $100 million in taxpayer money for a new operations site in downtown Nashville. The Beacon Center has issued the following statement decrying the incentive package. 

Mark Cunningham, spokesman for the Beacon Center stated, “Nashville was passed over for Amazon’s second (and third) headquarters, yet city and state officials still got scammed into giving the company more than $100 million in taxpayer giveaways for a consolation prize, which includes $80 million in cash handouts. Amazon, one of the world’s most valuable companies, and the government played taxpayers with this incentive deal, and it is time for us to speak up against this type of corporate welfare. While we welcome new businesses and the jobs they create to our state, forcing middle-class Tennesseans and small businesses to give their hard-earned dollars to a multi-billion dollar business is both unfair and immoral.” 

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