Friday, November 02, 2018

Judd Cowan was once an infant. He was not born as a 35 year old man.

Recently Bo Mitchel put out a negative mailer attacking 26 year old Judd Cowan for being young. He pulled pictures from Cowan's Facebook page of when he was a teenager in high school and created a collage to attack Cowan as too young to serve in the State House.  Judd writes that his friends didn't think the attack piece went far enough and made the above mailer for Bo to use.

Time is short, if you can do anything to help Judd Cowan who is challenging Bo Mitchell in the race for the District 50 State House, please do.  There is a lot that needed between now and the end of the day November 6th.  Candidates always need more money, but they also need door to door canvassers, phone call help, and people to work the polls on election day. Please help Judd beat Bo!

For more information visit, Judd Cowan's website at this link.

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