Friday, November 30, 2018

Tennessee's next Speaker of the House, Glen Casada, is First Tuesday speaker, Dec.4th

 From Tim Skow:

1ST TUESDAY Members and friends,

 Fallout from Election Night has settled. NOW...tons of changes are about to start rippling across the TN State Government and especially the TN State Legislature. With a NEW Governor, the retirements of many State House icons including Beth Harwell, Gerald McCormick and our good friend Charles Sargent [ whose sadly was called Home] and roughly 30% of the House being composed of NEW members ... the key word(s) of the 2019 Legislature will be ... CHANGE! -- LOTS and LOTS of CHANGE!!

THE new key man in the Legislative storm will be Speaker of the House-to-be GLEN

Glen Cassida
CASADA. Just 3 hours after being selected by his Republican State House colleagues to become Tennessee's next SPEAKER of the HOUSE, Glen confirmed to our speaker on Tuesday, DEC 4th !!

HOW will all this impact YOU?
Come to 1ST TUESDAY on Tuesday !
Topics will include, but not be limited to:

1] Can Nashville's passing of Amendment 1 [ Liberals trying to take control of Nashville's Metro Police Dept ] be unraveled? roped in?
2] Is the medical marijuana fight coming again?
3] What about vouchers / school choice options?
4] Opioids are killing Tennesseans and the TN Budget. WHAT now?
5] With NO State House Reps from Nashville, who is going to make sure I-440 gets fixed?

What about Mass Transit in Nashville? AND MORE !! GET your seats secured today.. Visit our NEW ..[and still evolving website] at [click on EVENTS -see Glen's pic] IF ... you have website suggestions or pictures to offer, LETS SEE THEM !

 PASS the word, invite your friends, secure your seats and plan to join us on Tuesday, DEC 4th. The weather will be ''WARM-er''

Tim Skow

PS - remember 2019 Dues are DUE... BUT .. if you bring $50 or more for the Nashville Republican Women's toy fund drive for the TN National Guard ... YOUR 2019 DUES are waived ! HO HO HO from 1ST TUESDAY

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