Tuesday, November 06, 2018

Victory Parties tonight, First Tuesday meets Monday 11-12-2018

From Tim Skow, Monday 11/5/18:

1ST TUESDAY Members and friends!

It is finally time... time to Vote... time to WIN...time to Celebrate! 

.... AND 

...it is time to make your plans for the November version of 1ST TUESDAY that is slated for the Monday following Election Day! 

As they were on August primary night ... 

''Senator-to-be-Marsha B.'' Victory Party at Cool Springs Marriott -- doors open at 6:00 pm.

''Governor-to-be-Bill Lee'' Victory Party at The Factory in Franklin -- doors open at 6:30 pm.

as usual follow election day(s) our  1ST TUESDAY for this month will be on MONDAY, Nov 12th. As usually, doors at Waller Law [511 Union St] will open at 11:00 am. Lunch at 11:30 with program at NOON sharp.

Event is $20 for Members --  $25 for Guests.
It is going to be GREAT opportunity to ask the questions that have been on the minds of MANY of us for a long long time !

Make your plans to be there on MONDAY, Nov 12th !
Details when the polls close !

IF.... you haven't voted yet .. GO VOTE .. and take a friend!
Hope to see you at The Factory and/or Cool Springs Marriott tomorrow night ... if not before !

Tim Skow

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