Thursday, December 20, 2018

180 people were nominated for seats on the Police Community Oversight Board

Among those nominated were Waffle House hero James Shaw Jr. and Sheila Clemmons Lee, mother of Jocques Clemmons who was shot and killed by police when he ran from police after a traffic stop and refused to drop a gun he was carrying.

What will happen next is that all of the nominees will be sent a questionnaire which must be returned to the Clerk's office by January 4th.  Then, at the January 15th meeting of the Metro Council's Rules and Confirmation Committee, the Committee will review the nominees and make recommendations to the full body. The Council will then select eleven member who will serve on board. Two of the board members must be people nominated by the mayor, two must be people nominated by members of the Metro Council, and the remaining seven seats must be people either nominated by community organizations or nominated by petitions signed by 50 residents of Davidson County.  Four of the seven must be from economically distressed census tracks.

The charter amendment does not define terms. The fifty signatures to nominate someone does not require that the signatures be those of adults, voters or citizens. This charter amendment is poorly drafted and I suspect that it will either be overturned by a court or, more likely, invalidated by an act of the State legislature. 

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