Sunday, January 27, 2019

David Plazas, Opinion Editor of The Tennessean, continues to play the You're-a-Racist card over Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez meme.

David Plazas, Opinion Editor of The Tennessean continues to play the You're-a-Racist card to counter Republicans having fun at the expense of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The Williamson County Republican Party sent out the meme shown on this page in an email blast and Democrats have gone ballistic.  I found it humorous, so therefore I must be a racist.

I did not understand the charge of racism. I thought maybe it was racist to point out that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is embarrassingly dumber than a box of rocks and doesn't even realize it.  I thought liberals think it is racist to make fun of any minority. That is not why the meme is racist. 

According to David Plaza, it is racist because by saying that illegal aliens get to American by rowing or wading across the Rio Grand one is demeaning Hispanics because, "Mexicans — and Central Americans — who make the dangerous journey to the U.S. border and attempt to cross it do so because they are poor, struggling, jobless and yearning for opportunity for them and their families in this great nation, the United States of America." And more specifically, "the reason it is racist is that it demeans a specific group because of its culture and ethnicity." Now you know. 

Bull Shit! I seldom use vulgarity in this blog but that is just nonsense.  And, I am not going to be chastised or cowed or contrite by being lectured about a "teachable moment." Almost all humor is offensive if you are overly sensitive.  If you are wanting to be offended, watch any comic and you can find something to offend you.  Comics can call for beheading the president of the United States and that is supposed to be funny, but this harmless little meme is off limits? Give me a break!  David Plazas and the liberal establishment simply want to silence Republican. We should not back down, but double down. 

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