Sunday, January 20, 2019

Davidson County Republican Party Reorganization Dates Set!

From The Davidson County Republican Party:
Now that the 2018 elections are over, we must think about the direction of our Party and who will lead us during the next two years.

Pursuant to the Tennessee Republican Party by-laws, every odd numbered year each county party must hold a reorganization to elect its new leaders for the upcoming two year term.

In counties with a population of over 100,000, TNGOP by-laws state that the county must hold precinct caucuses to elect delegates and then hold a convention of those delegates. The delegates will then vote on the members of the County Executive Committee that will serve over the next two years.

Precinct Caucus
to elect District officers and convention delegates
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Nashville Tomorrow Building, 1230 West Trinity Lane, Nashville
Doors open at 9:00 AM and are closed at 10:30 AM

(no one will be allowed to enter building after 10:30 AM)
Caucus to end around 11:30 - 12:00 PM

To attend the CAUCUS, you MUST pre-register by February 2, 2019. Click HERE to register. When registering, you can note if you are interested in running for one of the DCRP executive committee positions, and we will send you additional information.  

To participate, you must meet the two following requirements: 1) Have a valid picture ID (Federal or state issue) with your current address; and 2) Have evidence of voting in two Republican primaries since May 2014. (If you have voted in Davidson County, we will have your data already. If you have not voted in Davidson County since May 2014, you can request your previous election commission to send to you your voting data. You must bring it with you and it must be certified from the County/State that you voted.)

to elect Davidson County Republican Party officers
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Nashville Tomorrow Building, 1230 West Trinity Lane, Nashville
Doors open at 9:00 AM and are closed at 10:30 AM

(no one will be allowed to enter building after 10:30 AM)
Convention to end around 11:30 - 12:00 PM

To attend the CONVENTION, you MUST pre-register by February 9, 2019.  Click HERE to register.  When registering, you can note if you are interested in running for one of the DCRP executive committee positions, and we will send you additional information.  

Only authorized Delegates (to be elected at the Caucus) will be allowed on the floor of the Convention.  

For more information about the County Party Reorganization, please visit our website

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