Tuesday, January 22, 2019

SEIU calls for Trump and Republicans to capitulate and reopen the government.

I thought readers may be interested in the kind of argument the largest government employees union is using to urge no compromise to resolve the government shut down.They call for Republicans and President Trump to simply capitulate.

Dear Rod,
Working families—Black, white and brown—deserve a government that is open and working to improve their lives.
As you may know, President Trump shut down critical parts of the federal government over funding for a harmful and divisive border wall. Now Republicans in the US Senate are refusing to vote on legislation that would reopen the government, holding the country hostage for a wasteful wall. Let’s be clear: any money Congress spends on building a wall comes directly out of our hard-earned paychecks through the taxes we pay. More importantly— despite what the Trump administration claims in its misinformation campaign — it wouldn’t actually strengthen border security.
Tell the Senate to focus on our nation's real priorities and reopen the government immediately!
President Trump and his Republican Congressional allies have time after time attempted to divide us by demanding billions for a border wall, while giving huge tax breaks to corporate CEOs and billionaires. It’s time for our elected leaders need to focus on our country’s real needs — like higher wages, the right to join a union no matter where you live, affordable healthcare and common-sense immigration reform.
Tell the Senate to respect the priorities of working people and reopen the government!
This means ending President Trump’s shutdown. We can’t allow him and Republicans in the Senate to continue to demand a ransom from working families for a border wall meant solely to divide us.

In Unity,
It is clear SEIU only wants the government reopened on their terms.  Unfortunately, many union members are going to take this at face value. Here is the letter again with my commentary:

Dear Rod,
Working families (and what families are not "working families". That is a loaded term.)—Black, white and brown—deserve a government that is open and working to improve their lives (I would quibble that government's purpose it to improve one's life.)
As you may know, President Trump shut down (Any time a government shuts down it is not due to the action of one party.  The government shuts down when the administration and the legislature do not agree on the budget that funds that part of government. I would say, "as you know, Speaker Pelosi shut down..) critical parts of the federal government over funding for a harmful and divisive border wall. (Are the 654 existing miles of border wall "harmful and division?" Why is not existing fencing harmful and divisive but new fencing is? )  Now Republicans in the US Senate are refusing to vote on legislation that would reopen the government, holding the country hostage for a wasteful wall (wasteful?). Let’s be clear: any money Congress spends on building a wall comes directly out of our hard-earned paychecks through the taxes we pay (Not really. As long as the country is borrowing money then any additional spending simply increases the nations debt, which is not a good thing, but it does not come out of your paycheck.) More importantly— despite what the Trump administration claims in its misinformation campaign — it wouldn’t actually strengthen border security (Yes it would. We are not talking about a border the full 2000 miles from sea to shining sea but only 215 miles and those border agents on the ground say there are places where we need additional fencing. It is not the only thing we need and it won't solve the problem of illegal immigration but it is simply not correct to say that it wouldn't strengthen border security.)
Tell the Senate (No, tell Democrats in the House) to focus on our nation's real priorities (resolving the problem of illegal immigration should be one of the real priorities) and reopen the government immediately!
President Trump and his Republican Congressional allies have time after time attempted to divide us (I would say the Democrats and their friends in the press have tried to divide us as much as Trump and the Republicans)  by demanding billions for a border wall, while giving huge tax breaks to corporate CEOs and billionaires (Those tax breaks is why we have low unemployment including the lowest ever recorded for Black Americans.) It’s time for our elected leaders need to focus on our country’s real needs — like higher wages, the right to join a union no matter where you live, affordable healthcare and common-sense immigration reform (mandated higher wages, ending right to work laws will increase unemployment slow economic growth).
Tell the Senate to respect the priorities of working people and reopen the government! (In other words, House Democrats do not need to give an inch, Trump and the Republicans need to capitulate.)
This means ending President Trump’s shutdown (Pelosi shutdown). We can’t allow him and Republicans in the Senate (she and Democrats in the House) to continue to demand a ransom from working families for a border wall meant solely to divide us (a border wall meant to contribute to nation security and help resolve a humanitarian crisis).

In Unity,

This kind of pressure coming from the Democrats base dims the prospects of  a quick resolution to the government shut down

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