Saturday, February 02, 2019

1st Tuesday meets Feb. 14th. Special guest, ten top tier candidates for Council.

From Tim Skow: 
1ST TUESDAY Members and friends

After juggling MANY moving parts over the last 3 weeks, we are thrilled to announce we are bringing you another critical ''1ST TUESDAY 1ST'' 

For the 1ST time ever, 1ST TUESDAY will meet on VALENTINES DAY and we have a basket full of ''Sweethearts for Nashville'' to share with you !!! 

In a mere 6 months the future of Nashville is at stake !!! 

Just 6 months from now, the first week of August, Nashville will elect a Mayor, Vice-Mayor and 40 Members of Metro Council. That means Early Voting begins 5 months from when we meet.  THE RACES ARE ON! 

On FEB 14th you're invited to come hear from ....  and speak with ..... up to 10 TOP-TIER candidates that are stepping forward on a mission to save Nashville from being turned into ''The San Francisco of the South.''  

The GOOD NEWS is if elected, these people and a few more like them can halt Nashville's lurch to the LEFT 

A few of the candidates coming you will know. NO QUESTION, the others you will surely want to meet!! 

Mark you calendar, pass the word and invite those you know who care about Nashville, its financial future, care about critical issues including traffic, a police force that has concerns, pay concerns for City employees in a very competitive market for talent and MANY MANY MORE issues!!

Secure seating for you and your guests at our new website at 

More details soon!

See you on VALENTINES DAY with a lot of reasons and people who will bring a smile to your heart!
See you then!

Tim Skow

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