Friday, February 01, 2019

Contractors bill Metro for hours spend partying with city officials

Partying with Metro officials in order to win friends and influence people is hard work, but someone has to do it. According a report in The Tennessean, top executives of Collier Engineering billed Metro $5,000 for hours that they spend mingling with city officials at a Bridgestone Arena suite.  Collier Engineering has street paving contracts with Metro and the company submits monthly invoices to the city detailing how many hours the firm worked and list the dates the work was done. The city approved invoices including 33.5 hours of work done by four Collier Engineering executives on Friday, March 16, 2018, when they were actually socializing with Metro officials.

The next time you hit a big pothole, wonder if the money that would have went to fill that pothole was paid instead for a company engineer to share a beer with a Metro employee.

Read the story here: Nashville contractor billed Metro thousands on day spent entertaining in arena suite.

Collier has previously come under scrutiny for currying favor with Metro officials and allegedly getting preferential treatment. See this: Audit finds Metro employees sat in contractor's arena suite, didn't pay for tickets.

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