Thursday, February 14, 2019

Robert Nash Will be a Candidate for the Metropolitan Council District 27

Robert Nash
From Robert Nash - Nashville has been a wonderful place to live and work. My family has loved our McMurray Hills neighborhood. Barbara and I were very blessed to raise our three children here since our move in 1978. We have seen much growth and many changes in that time, but the warmth, friendship and support of our neighbors have been constant.

I had a great career at the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department where I served for 33 years and retired as Commander of the East Precinct. I am eternally grateful to the citizens of Nashville for that opportunity.

Public safety will certainly always be a priority interest for me. However, our city faces many issues that need the urgent attention of the Metropolitan Council – responsibly managing our growth, creating first class schools, easing traffic congestion, building affordable housing, being fiscally responsible, and maintaining and expanding our aging infrastructure.

My promise to the residents of District 27, if elected, is to do all that I can to keep our neighborhoods welcoming places in which to live, work and play. It would be an honor for me to give back to the community that has given so much to me and my family.

A more formal announcement will be issued when the campaign is officially launched.

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  1. Saw your signs in my neighborhood in district 27. I googled you. You have my attention!

  2. Thank you so much for your good wishes. I will do my best to make you proud.

  3. Bob, we have been seeing your signs and are so glad to know you are running for councilman. You will truly be an asset to District 27 and to our great city. You are so well thought of by our family and you know we love your family. We truly need some good, honest, hardworking people who are dedicated to serving Nashville and we can't think of anyone better or more qualified than you. Thank you for your willingness to serve!

    Take care and God bless!
    Mike, Kathy, Amy and Chris McKee

  4. I will vote for you and I will be vocal when I deem it is necessay...I know you are only one vote but I ecpect your vote to have merit. My expectation is that you consider being an out of thyre box thinker as you look for solutions.
