Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Davidson County Parolee/Probationer Job Fair

Tennessee Department of Corrections, Tuesday, March 12, 2019, NASHVILLE – In an effort to assist the offender population of Nashville and Davidson County, the Probation and Parole office on Blanton Avenue will be holding a career fair on Wednesday, March 13th.
Employers will be present to help individuals with a criminal record bridge the gap and find gainful employment. In addition, representatives from post-secondary education will be on hand to assist formerly incarcerated individuals with creating paths to higher education and finding available funding to help ensure their success.

Offenders currently serving on probation or parole are encouraged to attend the event.
WHAT: Davidson County Parolee/Probationer Job Fair
WHEN: Wednesday, March 13, 2019, 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
WHERE: TDOC Probation and Parole Office, 220 Blanton Avenue, Nashville, TN 37210

Rod's Comment: This is short notice, but please repost if you have the opportunity. We need to make a greater effort to help those who have been incarcerated reenter society.  I support sentencing reform and educating prisoners who want to get an education. What we have been doing is not working. I believe in punishment but I also believe in rehabilitation and second chances.

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