Thursday, March 07, 2019

Fetal Heartbeat Bill Passes in Tennessee State House

The Tennessean: Tennessee House of Representatives passes controversial fetal heartbeat bill

Tennessee Star: BREAKING: Fetal Heartbeat Bill Passes in Tennessee State House with 65 Ayes, 21 Nays and 7 ‘Present Not Voting’

Glen Casada on Facebook: Proud to announce that we have just passed the heartbeat bill in the House. If destroying an eagle’s egg is a federal crime, then stopping the heartbeat of another human being is certainly, at the very least, a crime against humanity. #TNleg is #ProLife!

Life Tennessee House Passes Bill to Ban Abortions Once Unborn Baby’s Heartbeat Begins 

To read the bill, see how legislators voted and to track the bill's progress, follow this link:  HB0077.

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