Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Nashville Republican Women Ladies' Day on the Hill

Monday, April 1st 

The theme for this year's event is "Celebrating Tennessee Victories." The registration and lunch fee is $40.00. Please make your check payable to NRW and send to NRW Treasurer, P.O. Box 58882, Nashville, TN 37205. 

The deadline for reservations is March 13th!  Please note: If you will need to ride the shuttle between the Capitol and the DoubleTree Hotel (314 4th Avenue N) OR if you have special dietary needs, be sure to include this information with your check.
                       9:00 - 10:00 AM - Registration, coffee and breakfast snacks,
Second Floor Lobby of the Capitol Building
10:00 AM - Program in the House Chamber
11:00 AM - Photos on Historic Staircase
11:45 AM - Lunch at the DoubleTree Hotel

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