Tuesday, March 05, 2019

New evidence suggests $1 million wasted, Dr. Joseph misled the School Board.

Please watch this Channel 5 WTVF news report by Phil Williams.  He reports that 
there's new evidence that Metro Schools may have wasted a million dollars of your money. He uncovers proof that the schools director, Dr. Shawn Joseph, misled the school board about a contract that spend a million dollars on software to track student achievement. This was software that Joseph had helped promote in his previous job.  He also signed a separate contract for another $500,000 just to have the company Certica Solutions write the questions for the software.

This is an outrage! How long will the School Board put up with this incompetent and likely unethical person leading our schools. Under his leadership the number of failing schools is increasing.  Our schools are on a downward spiral plagued by mismanagement, waste,  and incompetence.  It is way past time for him to be fired.

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