Saturday, March 16, 2019

Williamson County Schools requiring teachers to take Southern Poverty Law Center White Privaledge training.

From Williamson County GOP - All teachers in all schools are attending a four part inservice training based on the work of Dr. Peggy McIntosh and a book she wrote over 30 years ago titled, White Privilege UnPacking the Invisible Knapsack. Dr. McIntosh coined the phase just 16 years after the 1964 civil rights movement and years before a black man raised in a single parent home became President twice.

The Tennessean recently reported on a WCS slavery homework assignment which resulted in two teachers resigning. The Tennessean went on to document two racist incidents occurring in our schools on Friday. Today we learn that these incidents were grossly exaggerated when a parent stepped forward to talk to a reporter at the TN Star.

WCS is moving forward with Dr. Looney's agenda and has planned a "Tolerance Teacher Workshop" taught by the radical left leaning, Southern Poverty Law Center. The SPLC has gained notoriety for both their lawsuits and for their list of hate groups which includes national Christian organizations and extremist like Senator Marsha Blackburn. The Southern Poverty Law Center recently established the, "SPLC Action Fund" which is a PAC designed to allow them to fund their legislative agenda and elect like minded candidates to office. Conservatives, like Senator Blackburn and Congressman Green can expect to be targeted by the SPLC.

The Southern Poverty Law Center's goal is to create the next generation of voters. They are not concerned about educating your children.

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