Thursday, May 09, 2019

1ST TUESDAY, May 17th. Special edition. Two speakers: Marsha Blackburn and John Cooper.

From Tim Skow:
1ST TUESDAY Members and friends.

I have been waiting till now for you to exhale after ALL the hoopla from the NFL Draft, Jimmy Buffet and more.

To borrow a phrase from the legendary UT football announcer ... " Its POLITICS time in Nashville ''

ON FRIDAY,  [yes Friday] May 17th, 1ST TUESDAY is bringing you a day unlike any other ever !!

This week Attorney General Bill Barr will testify before Senator Marsha Blackburn and the rest of the Senate Judiciary Committee regarding the long awaited and radioactive MULLER REPORT.  

ON FRIDAY, May 17th,  Marsha will be our 1ST SPECIAL SPEAKER of the day [ yes, there will be more ! ]

To meet her schedule, doors for our event at WALLER LAW will open at 10:00AM.  
Marsha will address our group from 10:30 - 11:30 and then we will do lunch as usual at 11:30.

THEN ... our 2ND SPECIAL SPEAKER for the day will be the latest candidate for Mayor, Metro Councilman At-Large, John Cooper!   John entering the race last week has turned the race to be Nashville's next Mayor from ''a foregone conclusion'' into a barn burner of a race!

There are significant differences between current Mayor Briley and Councilman At-Large Cooper. 
The financial future, the direction of Nashville and MUCH MUCH more are at stake. 
Here's your chance to meet Mr. Cooper, ask him your questions and let him know what you care about!

As usual, we will start at NOON sharp. Following the prayer, pledge and introductions Mr. Cooper will lay out his vision and concerns he will prioritize. Expect a VERY spicy Q&A session till 1:00PM !!
Our website will start taking reservations on WEDNESDAY at
Our event is $20 for Members and $25 for GUESTS and will surely be a SELL OUT !!  
[Therefore, secured seating via the website or pre-approval to pay at the door is required for May 17 !! ]  

Mark your calendars, reach out to your friends and plan to join us for this MEGA-DAY 1ST TUESDAY event!
Hope you are one of those who get to join us on May 17th !!

Tim Skow,

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