Friday, March 22, 2019

Bellevue Breakfast Club guest speaker is Dr. Manny Sethi, April 6th

From Betty Hood

Dear BRBC Friends,

Dr. Manny Sethi will be our guest speaker at our monthly BRBC meeting.  It will be next
Dr. Manny Serthi
Saturday at 8:15 am at the Corner Pub in the Woods--8058 Hwy 100.

Hope  you will be able to join us then.


Dr. Manish “Manny” Sethi, a Republican, is considering running for Lamar Alexander’s U.S. Senate seat. An orthopedic surgeon at Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Sethi also serves as director of the Vanderbilt Orthopaedic Institute Center for Health Policy. For more on Dr. Sethi, see this Nashville Post story.

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