Wednesday, April 10, 2019

How the School Board members voted on the Shawn Joseph buyout.

by Rod Williams - The deal to get rid of Joseph will pay him his normal salary through July 31st which comes to $261,250, plus he will be paid for accumulated vacation time and potentially sick time. In addition Metro Schools will pay  $10,000 in legal fees to defend Joseph against a one-year suspension of his license by the Tennessee State Board of Education.

This is so wrong! Instead of defending him against the suspension of his license, we should be supporting the State in urging the revocation of his license. Most people who don't perform their job get fired and only get paid through the end of the day, not giving a bonus that may total $350,000 to leave. 

Those voting for this deal were Sharon Gentry, Rachael Anne Elrod, Christiane Buggs, Will Pinkston, and Gini Pupo-Walker.

Voting against  the deal were Jill Speering, Amy Frogge, and Fran Bush. Anna Shepherd was out sick.

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