Tuesday, April 16, 2019

It's Official! John Cooper is running for mayor!

John Cooper
by Rod Williams - He announced it this morning in an interview with The Tennessean and he launched a website John Cooper for Nashville.  In the interview with The Tennessean this morning he said, "my issues are neighborhoods first — density is not its own reward. When density happens, we have to use it to build a livable city. And my second issue is financial stewardship. There is no question the city has deep financial issues. We've maxed out the credit card, so the easy decisions are behind us. Debt service is going to probably be once again the biggest item in the new budget.

Cooper had been considered a likely candidate for mayor until February when he announced he would not run.  Since that time many have encouraged him to reconsider and get back in the race. With Nashville's debt being the largest per capita in the nation and eating up more and more of the city's budget and crowding out pay raises and adequate funding for city services, many felt we needed someone who would take the debt issue seriously.  In the Council, Cooper has been a consistent voice advocating fiscal responsibility. 

Now that he has entered the race,  he begins as an underdog. The other candidates have had months to build a campaign team and raise money and get pledges of support. Cooper does have the advantage, however, of having run county-wide and been elected.  Also, being the brother of Congressman Jim Cooper gives him instant connection to a lot of people. Cooper also has a resume, that recommends him for the job. He has a record of being a thoughtful hardworking member of the Council who has consistently advocated for fiscal responsibility and been and advocate for the interest of Nashville citizens over that of corporation. He has consistently been a critic of using economic incentives to lure business to Nashville. 

Cooper is married and 62 years old. He earned an MBA from Vanderbilt University, worked in finance on Wall Street, returned to Nashville to work in real estate development and business. Most of his development was focused on projects on Williamson County. To read his bio follow this link.

While I had earlier supported Carol Swain and contributed to her campaign, I am now supporting John Cooper.  I like Carol Swain and voted for her in her last campaign for mayor, but in a city as liberal as Nashville, I feel her record as a pundit and author advocating conservative position on social issue would make her unelectable.  I would urge Carol Swain to drop out of the race and endorse Cooper.

I have closely observed Cooper on the Council.  He grasp the details of the functioning of the city.  He understands as well as anyone the complexity of city finances. He would not be learning on-the-job. He is the person we need at this time to serve as mayor. I have just sent him a campaign contribution and urge you to do so also. Visit his website John Cooper for Nashville and hit the "donate" button.

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1 comment:

  1. Well, you've just proven yourself to be a spineless toad.
