Friday, April 05, 2019

Leadership Institute’s Youth Leadership School coming to Sevierville Tennessee. Very affordable.

From an email from David Blair of Leadership Institute - What do Americans for Prosperity President Tim Phillips, 27-year-old Florida State Representative Jennifer Sullivan, and the campaign youth coordinators for Ted Cruz, Donald Trump, and Rand Paul have in common? They graduated from the bootcamp of politics -- the Leadership Institute’s Youth Leadership School.

On April 26 and 27, I will host the Youth Leadership School in Sevierville, Tennessee. The Youth Leadership School (YLS) is a comprehensive, two-day training which teaches young conservatives and libertarians how to be more effective activists and win for candidates and causes of their choice. Upon graduation, you will be entering the ranks of elite activists who have shaped the conservative movement for decades. You will learn to:
- Organize large numbers of volunteers and voters for your candidates and causes
- Increase the size and effectiveness of your groups
- Host speaker events
- Develop eye-catching signs and literature to attract others to your cause
- Gain earned media coverage for events
- Implement activism projects you can use immediately 
The Youth Leadership School opens doors to numerous career opportunities as well!

Your registration fee includes course materials, breakfast, lunch, and dinner for both days, hotel accommodations if you're traveling more than an hour to attend, and up to $100 in gas reimbursement if you're traveling with 3 or more students in your car. The Leadership Institute is hiring graduates of this training as interns and field representatives. Countless campaigns have used YLS graduates to lead their youth efforts, including Senator Ted Cruz, Senator Rand Paul, and President Donald Trump. This training goes all the way back to Ronald Reagan’s Youth Director and Leadership Institute's Founder and President, Morton C. Blackwell.

Please find the link to register below:
Rod's Comment: I have often wished that I would have had a career in politics, either as an elected official or working in campaigns or advocacy.  If you are a young person who has a passion for politics and public policy, this may be an opportunity to get the training that can put you on the path to living your dream.  At only $30 this is super bargain and it is a great time of the year to see the beauty of the foothills of the Smokey's.  I have taken a course from Leadership Institute. They know what they are doing and provide first class training.  If you know a young conservative that this may interest, please pass this along. 

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