Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Mayor Briley presents upbeat State of Metro address.

Mayor David Briley delivered the 56th Annual State of Metro address at Nashville Public Library at 10 a.m. today, Tuesday, April 30.  This is the second State of  Metro address for the current mayor. If you want to see it, you can watch the above video. To skip the prayer and entertainment and get right to the speech go to timestamp 11:40.

The mayor presented an upbeat message. He said, "a year after facing one of Nashville's most challenging moments, Nashville is strong widely admired, resilient, and welcoming." He touted the economic growth of the city but said we must work to create "equitable prosperity."

He said the city is in fine shape and much improved from a year ago. "When I spoke to you here a year ago, we were in a much different position," he said. "I said from this very spot that sacrifice leads to success. We had to get Metro’s budget under control by living within our means, and departments throughout Metro stepped up and did just that. Our plan worked."

He announced he will submit to the Metro Council this week a no-tax increase $2.33 billion budget for the upcoming fiscal year.

To read the full text of the speech, follow this link

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