Friday, April 05, 2019

Minority Caucus and resigning school board member call attacks on Nashville schools director racist

by PRIDE Newsdesk - On Tuesday, the Nashville Metropolitan Minority caucus called a press meeting at the courthouse to address the actions of the Metro Nashville School Board and its Director of Schools.

In a release, the caucus said, “The Metro Council Minority Caucus champions effective, equitable governance. One of the critical responsibilities of the Metro Council is the funding of Metro Schools. The Minority Caucus must have confidence that Nashville’s tax dollars are not going to a dysfunctional MNPS Board plagued by institutional racism.”

Minority Caucus President, Councilman Scott Davis called Dr. Joseph, “A man who dedicated his life to education and improving the lives of not just some children but all the children at Metro Schools. Despite others placing stumbling blocks in front of him, Joseph has continued to take the high road.”

Davis made it clear that he and his caucus support Dr. Joseph. “We will not stand for the treatment of Dr. Joseph. We will not deal with it, and more importantly we will not let the children in metro schools be treated this way and have their leader thrown out on the streets like some garbage.” some garbage.” (link)

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