Wednesday, April 17, 2019

The Race for Mayor: Who has the money, where it came from and how much they have on hand.

by Rod Williams - Below is information gathered from an examination of the campaign financial disclosures which were filed on April 10, 2019. This is the first quarter report and covers the period from when they first filed a treasure to March 31, 2019.  Please note that I have listed as contributors only those names that jumped out at me for some reason. I am not a walking encyclopedia of who's who in Nashville. I am sure there were some important contributors whose names I did not recognize. To view the reports for yourself, follow this link

David Briley 
He raised $189,348 and spent $117,703.  
He started with a balance on hand of $344,564 and ended with $416,403 on hand. 

  • Briley's contributions of $100 or less came to only $4,090
  • John Bridges of The Nashville Scene, $1500
  • Father Breen of St Edwards, $100
  • Dewey Branstetter Jr, attorney, $500
  • Mark Deutshman, realtor, $100
  • Charles Robert Bone, attorney, $100
  • Charles Bone, Attorney $1600
  • Elizabeth Seigenthaler Cortney, CEO of Seigenthaler Public Relations, $1600
  • Martha Ingram, $1600
  • Amy Adams Strunk, controlling owner of the Tennessee Titans, $1600 
  • Shirley Zietland of Zietland and Company realtors, $500
  • Amanda McClendon, Judge, $500 
  • Waller Landen PAC, $8,100
  • Piedmont Natural Gas PAC, $2500
  • He received a lot of contributions from CEOs of various companies, lots of money from lots of attorneys, money from some metro employees, bankers, and  money from people associated with HCA,

John Clemmons 
He raised $41,803 (not counting his $100,00 loan) and spent $738
He started with a $135,565 balance on hand and ended with $141,065. 
He also loaned his campaign $100,000.

  • Daniel Horawitz, a libertarian-oriented Democrat attorney who has been involved in several high profile law suits, writes Supreme Court of Tennessee blog,  $250, 
  • Fred Detwiller of Det distributing, $1600 
  • A couple people with Marathon Music Works 
  • Chris Guthrie, Dean of Vanderbilt Law, $500 
  • John Cawthon owner of Jack Calwthons Bar-B-Q, $500
  • Economics professor Malcolm Getz, who was active in efforts to defeat the recent transit initiative, $200
  • Dr. Matthew Walker, $500.
  • Robert Lipman owner of Lipman Brothers, $1000.
  • Chales Howell of C. A. Howell, $500

Carol Swain
She raised $118,158 and spent $8,506.
She began with a balance on hand of $6,546.32 and ended up with a balance on hand of $116,199.

Contributors of interest:
  • She had unitemized contributions of almost $22,000 which is contributions of $100 or less.That is an impressive amount of money raised from small donors.
  • Lee Beaman, of Beaman Motor Co, and a contributor to many conservative causes, $1600
  • Ben Cunningham, TEA party activist, $500
  • Dr. Ming Wang, $1000
  • John Wang, owner of Music City Insurance, former candidate for Metro Council, $1000. 
  • Rod Williams, blogger at A Disgruntled Republican $123
  • She received several contributions from  people associated with the downtown honky tonks: Honky Tonk Central gave $1600, Tooties Entertainment $1600,  Harry O's Steakhouse $1600, Steve Smith owner of Tooties $1600 and  several others gave the $1600 maximum.

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