Friday, April 19, 2019

What they’re saying about the release of the Mueller report

Sen. Lamar Alexander:
“Robert Mueller is a respected prosecutor. He has determined that the president did not collude with Russia during the 2016 election."

Rep. Phil Roe, 1st Congressional District:
"I hope with the public release of his report Congress can get back to working with the president on policies that benefit all Americans."

Rep. Tim Burchett, 2nd Congressional District:
"The reality is, the bottom line is, there is no collusion by any Americans."

Rep. Chuck Fleischmann, 3rd Congressional District:
"Today, the Special Counsel’s report was released to Congress but it is abundantly clear that Democrats are steadfast in their effort to prolong their dog and pony show of taxpayer-funded investigations regardless of the Special Counsel’s findings."

Rep. Scott DesJarlais, 4th Congressional District:
"Atty. Gen. Barr presented a detailed, convincing explanation of the Special Counsel’s findings — no collusion, no obstruction — and process for release of report."

Rep. John Rose, 6th Congressional District:
"There was no collusion. This was simply another distraction from the real work we need to be focused on for the Sixth District of Tennessee and all of the American people."

Rep. Mark Green, 7th Congressional District:
"The Special Counsel’s report is clear – it absolves the president and kills the phony tale that the president colluded with Russia. It’s time to close this embarrassing chapter of American history."

Rep. David Kustoff, 8th Congressional District:
"As a former United States Attorney, I believe Attorney General Barr handled the legal requirements with the public’s need for full transparency extremely well. I hope the Democrat party can finally move on and end their politically motivated investigations against President Trump."

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