Monday, April 22, 2019

Where are the candidates? Here is the list of those picking up qualifying petitions for Mayor, and at-large and district Council seats.

by Rod Williams, 4-22-2019 - Where are the candidates?  Only a few more people have picked up qualifying petitions in the last week to run for mayor, vice mayor, or a council seat. I know there are some incumbents intent on seeking reelection but they have not picked up qualifying petitions. I don't know why they are waiting to the last minute. I would want to let people know I was running and discourage a challenger, but maybe they have a different strategy. There are no districts where no one has picked up a petition but there are several where only one person has picked up a petition.

District 16 is a real disappointment. Only one person has picked up a petition and that is an extreme leftist by the name of Genny Welsch. Incumbent Mike Freeman, I understand, is not seeking reelection.  In 2006 Welsch ran an unsuccessful campaign against Congressman Jim Cooper. Welsch is often seen at left wing protest gatherings advocating the liberal cause of the moment. She has advocated for singled-payer universal health care, a minimum "living wage," and various other liberal causes. She was a founding member of the low-power left-wing radio station Radio Free Nashville.  Please, someone else needs to run in District 16. I would contribute to the cause of anyone to her right, which means almost anyone. It would be a shame if she won this seat unopposed. If anyone knows Mike Freeman, please encourage him to seek reelection. If you live in District 16, run!

In District 30, Sherry Jones is running. She is a former member of the Council and the State legislature. I would like to see her defeated. I like Lydia Hubbell but question her electability. I will be looking at the other candidates to see who has the best chance of beating Sherry Jones and as long as they are less liberal than she, I will be supporting that candidate.

In District 19, I am pleased to see Freddie O'Connell has picked up an opponent. I know nothing about the opponent, but would support almost anyone running against O'Connell.

At this time in the race for council at large,  I plan on voting for Steve Glover only.  One may vote for up to five candidates but to do so weakens the influence of your vote. You may think of it like this; voting for only one candidate is almost the equivalent of casting five votes for that candidate. Since John Cooper has announced he is running for mayor, this makes my decision to single-shot vote for Steve Glover easier.

Early on, after John Cooper announced he would not be running for mayor, I said I would vote for Carol Swain.  Since Cooper has reconsidered and is now running for mayor, I will be supporting him. I like Swain a lot but unfortunately, Swain is too closely identified as a social conservative. In liberal Davidson County, I just don't think Swain can be elected. Cooper has been one of the most vocal advocates for financial responsibility in the Council.  He is smart, grasp the issues and works hard.  As far as I am concerned, the state of Metro's finances is the most important issue facing the city.  We need John Cooper.

There are several districts where no one except the incumbent has picked up a petition or where the incumbent has not picked up a petition and only one person has. Please, if you know someone who lives in one of those districts with a liberal council member and no challenger or only one candidate and know the person to be liberal, please run yourself or encourage someone to run.

Below is the list of those who have picked up qualifying petitions to run for the office of mayor, vice mayor, at-large and district council seats as of Friday, April 19th.  Circled are the names of those I would vote for if these were the only choices and I knew only what I know today, the elections were today and I could vote in that contest.  We know that these will not be the only choices so my selections are  preliminary.  I may be changing my mind, depending on who else gets in the race. Some choices I have not made because I do anticipate someone else to get in the race who I know and who I know I would prefer. The list of those who have picked up qualifying petitions is updated every Friday by the election commission. You can access that list at this link.

One may pick up a qualifying petition up until the deadline for turning in qualifying petitions which is noon May 3rd.  That is only eleven more days.  I expected this list to be much longer by now. Maybe a lot of people will pick up qualifying petitions this week.  I hope so. Once a qualifying petition is submitted and the petition is approved, then a candidate may withdraw his name up until noon May 23rd. In that case the name would not appear on the ballot. If a candidate decides not to seek the office after the May 23rd deadline, the candidate's name would still appear on the ballot.

Early voting will began July 12, election day is August 1, and if a runoff is necessary it will be September 12th.

Please look over this list.  It is not too late to run. If you are thinking about running, it does not hurt and it doesn't cost anything to pick up a qualifying petition. If you then find someone else who you could support is running or someone else is too formidable for you to beat is running, you could simply not turn in the petition.

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  1. Please see, "Who are all of these people running for the Council in District 7." I do not make a firm recommendation but say this: I do not have a recommendation for whom to vote in this race. I would, however, narrow my choices to Client Camp, Daniel Fitzpatrick, or maybe Stephanie Johnson. I have reasons not to support the other five candidates. I don't have any friends advocating for any of the candidates and don't know anymore about them than what I have posted above. If I had to make a choice today, knowing no more than I do, I would probably vote for Daniel Fitzpatrick. However, this is not an endorsement. I would seek more information.
