Thursday, May 23, 2019

Freddie O'Connell Likely to Challenge Residency of Surprise District 19 Opponent

Joshua Parant
The Nashville Scene - ... O'Connell says Parant has essentially dropped into his district at the urging of "aggrieved honky-tonk owner" Steve Smith, who owns Tootsie's and Honky Tonk Central. Now he says he'll likely challenge Parant's legitimacy on the ballot. ...... Smith calls with a comment. ... "I think Councilman O'Connell, I think he's just a paranoid nut. Please quote me on that."(read more)

Rod's Comment: I do not see how living on a month-to-month lease makes one not a legitimate resident of a district. I am supporting Joshua Parant in this race.

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1 comment:

  1. Freddie has sold us out to Mayor Briley and his causes. The scooters are bad for music city and Freddie OConnell has taken BLOOD money from these companies. They are killing and injuring our citizens. So much for caring about us. By the way, we vote and we vote in large numbers. Freddie is not from this district either. If you recall, he ran against Beth Harwell for state rep years ago when he was on a part time basis residency in that funny is that he is calling Parant out????? Hypocrite!
