Friday, May 03, 2019

Idiot Rep. Steve Cohen pulls stupid Chicken eating stunt to mock Bill Barr.

by Rod Williams - If there was any remnant of dignity remaining to the U. S. House of Representatives, Tennessee's Congressman Steve Cohen just stripped it. He brought a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken to a House hearing room and a plastic chicken figurine to illustrate that he thought Attorney General Bill Barr was a chicken for not appearing before the May 2 House Judiciary Committee hearing.

After Barr agreed to appear, then the Committee changed the rules. House Judiciary Chairman  Nadler wanted to have House Judiciary Committee staff, rather than members of Congress question Barr about his handling of Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report. Barr took the position that members should conduct the inquiry, not staff.  It was unclear why Democrats did not simply having staffers  provide questions to House members during the hearing. It happens all the time.

During his stunt Cohen handed out pieces of chicken and offered a piece to Congresswoman Val Demings from Florida who is African-American. Cohen apparently is not sufficiently "woke." Apparently it is considered racist to offer fried chicken to a Black person. He is being denounced as a racist for this insensitivity. It couldn't happen to a more deserving person. I don't think Cohen is a racist; I just think he is an idiot.

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