Sunday, May 26, 2019

Look who the Central Labor Council endorsed in district council races.

Below is the list of district Metro Council candidates endorsed by the CLC in the upcoming Council races. Of those who got the endorsement, I only support Jonathan Hall, District 1; Larry Hagar, District 11; and Robert Nash in District 27. In the case of Robert Nash, he has no opponent.

An endorsement by the CLC is not reason enough not to support a candidate but is reason to look closely at the candidate with suspicion. I don't know that the candidates promised to support a tax increase or any other policy favored by labor in order to get this endorsement. If anyone has insight as to what candidates had to promise to get this endorsement, please publicly share the information.

In the interest of full disclosure, the first time I ran for Council I had the support of the teachers union (MNEA) and the Central Labor Council and I think another union. I was the most conservative member of the Council during the time I served. I did not get these endorsement any of the times I ran for reelection.


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