Tuesday, May 07, 2019

Mayor Briley's proposed FY2020, $2,331,618,000 Budget

Mayor Briley announced his FY 2020 Budget proposal. You can see the presentation here.
The FY 2020 recommended budget for Metropolitan Government of Nashville & Davidson County is $2,331,618,000. This is a 4.55% increase over FY 2019, which ends June 30, 2019.
The FY 2020 budget documents can be found in the Finance section of Metro’s website on Citizens' Guide to the Metro Budget page.
At a quick glance of the budget presentation, I can see that we are facing two major challenges. One is the  MNPS Operating Budget. MNPS has requested a $76.7 million increase from FY 2019. The proposed FY2020 Budget includes a $28.2 million increase. Where can we find the additional $48.5 million in order to fully fund the MNPS' request?
Another challenge is the non-recurring revenue budgeted for GSD Debt Service. The up-front $30 million parking concession payments and the $11.5 million District Energy System are allocated for GSD Debt Service. Councilmembers have not been provided any details of either deal. What will the GSD Debt Service Fund balance be if Council rejects those deals?
You can watch Mayoral Budget Hearings at Metro 3 YouTube Channel and keep up future Metro Council Operating Budget Hearings here. 
 The above was reposted from Councilwomen Mina Johnson's email newsletter.

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