Tuesday, May 07, 2019

State legislature bans sex dolls made to look like children, This, and other legislation passed this year.

The State legislature has concluded their 2019 session. A notable success was passing a limited education voucher plan that applies to Davidson and Shelby county. Another success was passing legislation seek federal permission to overhaul TennCare through block grant funding. Notable failures included legalizing medical marijuana, banning most abortions once a fetal heartbeat is detected, and a proposal that would have let adoption agencies reject prospective parents due to religious beliefs.

While the above got the most news a lot of other things got passed. Did you know the legislature banned sex dolls made to look like children?  It did. While I think blow-up sex dolls made to look like children are in poor taste, I am not so sure we should be banning silly novelty items just because they are in poor taste.  I can't get very excited about that legislative achievement. The legislature did pass some really good legislation however. Here is some of the notable legislation that was passed of which I am pleased:

  • BAN ON PLASTIC BAG BANS, TAXES: Bans local governments from regulating certain plastic bags, utensils or assessing fees on food and drink sales. 
  • GUNS, MENTAL ILLNESS: Outlaws transferring a gun to someone, knowing the person was committed to a mental institution or is receiving treatment, unless the right to have a gun was restored. Bans the use of handheld cellphones while driving. 
  • NATURAL HAIR STYLING: Loosens state regulations surrounding African-style hair braiding.
  •  ROE V. WADE ABORTION BAN “TRIGGER”: Ensures most abortions would be outlawed should the U.S. Supreme Court overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision. 
 News Channel 3 of Memphis has punished a list of bills passed this year and important legislation that was proposed and failed. To see the list follow this link

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