Sunday, May 26, 2019

WTF endorsed three candidate for Metro Council.

WTF, in this case, stands for the liberal group Women for Tennessee's Future.  Why they only endorsed three candidates, I don't know. Anyone endorsed by WTF needs to be defeated. Below is the criteria WTF used to select candidates.

  • The candidate must be a woman.
  • The candidate must demonstrate a viable path to victory.
  • The candidate must demonstrate support for the economic and political empowerment of women and the protection of women’s rights in all arenas.
  • The candidate must demonstrate support of federal, state, or local efforts to safeguard health care access and reproductive justice.
Note: For those who need a liberal translation, "reproductive justice" means killing unborn babies.
I don't know if "women" means any person who identifies as women or real women but as far as I know, there are no transgendered "women" running.

Sandra Sepulveda for Nashville Metro Council District 30
Zulfat Suara for Nashville Metro Council at-Large
Councilwoman Nancy VanReece for Nashville Metro Council District 8

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