Sunday, June 09, 2019

1ST TUESDAYguest is Mayor Briley

From Tim Skow: 

1ST TUESDAY Members and friends 

Image result for Mayor David Briley
Mayor David Briley
It's been the mission and tradition of 1ST TUESDAY to bring our Members and friends face-to-face with those in public life who impact your lives the most

Over the past decade, many of you have asked insightful, direct and important questions to a slew of Federal, State and Local office holders, leading candidates, movement leaders and more. The next opportunity for such an important dialogue comes on Tuesday, June 11th when Nashville Mayor David Briley makes his way to the podium at 1ST TUESDAY.   

Mayor Briley has proposed a budget for next year exceeding $2,200,000,000
Critical concerns for Nashville's future include, but are not limited to:
** Transit 
** Taxes
** Development not only in the downtown sector, but across the 35 Districts.
** Sectors of Nashville that are clearly in need of attention from City Hall.
** Crime, safety concerns and the continuing struggle to staff and build Nashville's Police Department
** What important topics will be the Mayor focus on most should he win this fall. 

Mayor Briley is certainly a leading contender in the election August 1st.  
And NO DOUBT .... a lock to be in a September runoff should one be necessary. 

Needless to say, this will be a 1ST TUESDAY full of meaning. are a stake holder in Nashville's will want to be there on June 11th at 1ST TUESDAY.

As usual, our event is $20 for Members and $25 for Guests. Secure seating at our website and click on EVENTS.

Remind your guests that doors at Waller Law open at 11:00. Lunch starts at 11:25 with program at Noon. 
Expect a very zesty Q&A session that will conclude at 1:00pm shape!

Please pass the word and invite those you know who care about Nashville. 
The next couple of months promise to dramatically impact the city and its future !

Tim Skow
Host of 1ST TUESDAY  

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