Thursday, June 20, 2019

Ray Clemmons gets the teacher's union endorsement

Ray Clemmons gets the teacher's union endorsement: ..."I am prepared to lead and make the tough decisions necessary to fully fund our schools, support our educators, and provide every child across Nashville with a high-quality education," he (Clemmons) said. "I am truly thankful for the support of MNEA and look forward to working together for the benefit of all students in the years to come."

Rod's Comment: "Fully Fund" has a specific meaning. It means to give the Board of Education what ever amount they say they need. That is a blank check. The school board asked for a budget of $962 million this year which is $76.7 million budget more, or an 8.6 percent increase, over its current $886.3 million budget. This is at the same time that enrollment is dropping. That budget request called for a salary step increase and a 10 percent cost of living for employees. It asked $852,000 for what they called "Care Centers" to help with student behavioral needs and $850,000 to add professional development days for para-professionals and it called for several added administration positions. 

The School Board asked for much more than the Director of School told the Board he needed. Dr. Joseph's budget called for $31.7 million in new funding. Mayor Briley's budget, which was just approved, gives the schools a $28.2 million increase.

To vow to "fully fund" the schools is irresponsible.  I guess that is the price of getting the teacher's union enforcement.  This pledge is reason enough to vote against Ray Clemmons for mayor.  If he is elected I feel certain we will have a massive tax increase next year.  If Briley should be reelected I suspect he will give us a big tax increase also, but it would probably me less than we would get under Clemmons.  I don't know that we will not have a tax increase even if Cooper is elected, but he is talking about cutting waste and improving management. I believe Cooper may avoid a tax increase if elected or if he does propose a tax increase it would be considerably less than what we would get with Briley and much, much less than what we would get under Clemmons.

For more on the issue of the school budget see these links: link, link,

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