Wednesday, June 19, 2019

This is who is running in the 13th District: Dan Meridith, Russ Bradford, and Andrew Dixon

The Tennessean analyzed the Council race for the 13th District and you can read their story at this link.

Dan Meridth
The 13th District is the Antioch-Percy Priest area currently represented by Holly Huezo. Three candidates are seeking that seat. They are Dan Meridith, Russ Bradford, and Andrew Dixon.  Here is a little about the three and links for more information.

Dan Meridith:  He is a registered nurse and has worked for 32 years in that profession.  He is an evangelical Christian who readily shares his faith.  He is a conservative and one of his top issues is reining in out of control spending. "I don't think we need to be spending money on nonessentials," he says. Nashville's enormous debt and crime are other issue of concern to Dan.
Dan is plain spoken freely expresses himself and is not politically correct and this has gotten him in trouble at times. His critics have called him racist, homophobic and misogynist. Some of these charges are explored in the Tennessean article. While I would not express things in exactly the same way Merideth does, I do not believe him to be guilty as characterized.  Often these label are attached to people to simply keep others from expressing a view contrary to liberal orthodoxy and to stifle debate.  I believe him to be a good man. He is the candidate I am supporting in this district. For more information visit his campaign website.

Russ Bradford
Russ Bradford: He a quality assurance specialist for a healthcare IT and consulting firm. Russ Bradford is openly gay. He has the endorsement of the Victory Fund.  "LGBTQ Victory Fund works to change the face and voice of America’s politics and achieve equality for LGBTQ Americans by increasing the number of openly LGBTQ officials at all levels of government." He also has the endorsement of the Nashville SEIU.
Andrew Dixon

 When asked why he is running, he says, "Our district has not had a voice and we're fed up with not being heard.."   That seems to be a slap at Councilmember Huezo. He talks about "investing" in teachers, police, our fire fighters, and not in downtown businesses. For more information, visit his campaign website.

Andrew Dixon: He currently works in finance, but his website does not say who is his employer. He has worked Department of Treasury as a Bank Examiner. The Tennessean says he declined a telephone interview for their article on the 13th District.  That is not normally the actions of a serious candidate. This is the link to  his campaign website.

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