Monday, July 08, 2019

1st Tuesday, July 12; guest is Ralph Schulz, Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce President.

From Tim Skow:
1ST TUESDAY Members, friends and guests 

As this 4th of JULY holiday weekend comes to a close, I hope each of you have new reasons to be thankful, be proud of America and have new memories with those who matter to you most.


In order to avoid the lull in attendance that always happens during a holiday week,  the July version of 1ST TUESDAY is slated for Friday, July 12 and features the man in the eye of the whirlwind of the wicked paced growth engulfing Nashville and the surrounding area!

Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce President Ralph Schulz returns to 1ST TUESDAY to discuss the likes of MITSUBISHI announcing they are moving to their Headquarters for North America to Cool Springs, iconic hotels from the MGM, 4 SEASONS, GRAND HYATT and many high profile and high impact companies coming to town !  No question, it will cause many heads to spin as the pace of Nashville's rise to international prominence is discussed !


1ST TUESDAY again in 2019 will aim to help those on the ballot who have visited 1ST TUESDAY on multiple occasions over the last year.
For this election cycle the special promotion is as follows. Those who come to lunch of July 12 with a check for at least $50 [or mail their check this week for the candidate(s) of their choosing will be granted a free pass to one of our remaining events over the next 6 months. 

YES ! ….provide your support for any of the names on the ballot found at the bottom of this invite and …..
YOU will be granted a pass to 1ST TUESDAY event of your choice for any event from August to our event in January! 
[ just an FYI, Senator Blackburn is confirmed for August 6th and we have other MEGA-speakers confirmed between SEPT and JAN]

Our 1ST TUESDAY website has details at 
You can RSVP there now. Once the new portal taking credit /debit cards comes on line this week you will be able to prepay for your JULY lunch!

Hope you will join us on this coming FRIDAY for a fascinating visit with Ralph Schulz and a couple of special guests !
Look forward to seeing you at WALLER Law. Remember doors open at 11AM and parking under the building is still just $7 for 2 hours.
Spread the word and bring your friends!!  
Looking forward to seeing many of you this FRIDAY !

Tim Skow

LIST of candidates to make your check(s) to include

Jody Ball
Thom Druffel
Michelle Foreman
Steve Glover 
Jonathan Hall
Lydia Hubbell 
Courtney Johnston [ a 1ST TUESDAY Sponsor ]
Bob Nash
Russ Pulley
Geric Smith
Carol Swain
Robert Swope [ a 1ST TUESDAY Sponsor ]
Sheri Weiner

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