Thursday, July 25, 2019

1st Tuesday speaker is Sen. Marsha Blackburn, August 6th.

From Tim Skow:
1ST TUESDAY Members, Friends and Guests

Tons of TV ads are now touting candidates for Mayor of Nashville. 
Sen. Marsha Blackburn
Even more faces are about to pop up on your TV who are running for Vice Mayor and Council-At-Large as early voting expands next week to multiple sites around Nashville

To borrow a phrase from the legendary UT Vols football announcer .... ''Its Politics Time in Tennessee'' 

As you'd expect 1ST TUESDAY is right in the middle of what is going on !!  

ON AUGUST 6th, our long time friend and new US Senator, Marsha Blackburn returns to 1ST TUESDAY !! 

----------------- NEWS to help our local candidates ----------

For the last several years that 1ST TUESDAY has made our Members a special offer to encourage them to support local candidates who are known to visit 1ST TUESDAY. Last week at July's version of 1ST TUESDAY we again offered to help.
We are going to expand our tradition of helping ''Friends of 1ST TUESDAY''  to those who are on the ballot in 2019 to our August 6 version of 1ST TUESDAY as well ! 

 Here are the RULES !! 

 you SEND to our mailbox a check for $50[or more] made to at least 1 [or more] of the candidates appearing on the list below, 
THEN .... 
you will be welcome to come in August ...or any of the following 1ST TUESDAY events advertised in 2019, 
[including the January, 2020 event] as our GUEST !!

[NO DOUBT, some will ask ... and the answer is.....
NO ....... PRIOR contributions to ANY candidates listed below do NOT qualify ... ] 

Mail your check(s) for the candidate(s) of your choice to my attention at :

Tim Skow
Box 1233
Brentwood, TN 
[feel free to call me if you have questions or care to cross paths...the SOONER the better for our candidates to get checks to them]

Then make your plans to:
1] VOTE early ... polls for early voting around Nashville open at 7am on July 19th.
2] Join us on August 6th when Marsha joins us for the 1st time as  ''SENATOR BLACKBURN''
3] And then ..... click on the link below for tickets, round up your family and friends and join 100s of friends for State Senator JACK JOHNSON and his Special Guests for his annual BOOTS & JEANS & BBQ event !

See you soon !!

Tim Skow

CANDIDATES on the August ballot for contributions include:

Jody Ball
Thom Druffel
State Executive Committee Member Michelle Foreman
Councilman Steve Glover
Councilman Johnathan Hall
Lydia Hubble
Courtney Johnston [ a 1ST TUESDAY Sponsor ]
Bob Nash 
Councilman Russ Pulley
Geric Smith
Carol Swain
Councilman Robert Swope [ a 1ST TUESDAY Sponsor ]
Councilwoman Sheri Weiner 

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