Thursday, July 11, 2019

Early voting begins Friday July, 12, 2019

Early voting for the August 1st election for mayor and council begins tomorrow, Friday July 12th.  Please do not vote early unless you have given adequate thought about for whom you are voting.  You still have two more weeks to gather information, meet the candidates and think about your decision. 

Please don't vote at all unless you have a reason for voting for whom you are going to vote. Please don't base your decision simply on who has the most yard signs. Often people are shamed into voting and think it is a civic duty.  I have never thought that masses of uninformed people voting made for a better democracy. Selecting who will represent you in the Metro Coucil and who will lead our city is serious business. There is no shame in leaving the decision to those who are better informed.

In the pages of this blog I have listed the names of some of who I am supporting and the reasons why. I will provide a more comprehensive list in days to come.

Below is the early voting schedule.

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