Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Here's how much developers, Amazon gave mayoral, council candidates for Nashville's election

Yesterday The Tennessean published a piece called. "Here's how much developers, Amazon gave mayoral, council candidates for Nashville's election." Much of this I had previous reported on in a blog post called, "How Amazon is buying itself a City."  The Tennessean piece sheds more light on how big developers, especially those associated with the Nashville Yards project, the home of the new Amazon towers, is making major contributions to Mayor Briley's campaign and the campaign of various candidates for metro council. I did not know of some of the connections. The piece is well worth reading in full. Below are important excerpts from The Tennessean article:

  • Mayor David Briley leads the pack by far.... Briley drew $271,775 in 2019 from real estate investors, designers, brokers, property managers and other industry representatives this year. ... Political action committee "A Better Tomorrow," representing the 16-acre Nashville Yards development under construction between the Gulch and downtown, donated $7,500 to Briley. That committee is led by the project's developer, San Diego-based Southwest Value Partners. Company executives also donated $14,650 independently. 
  • Amazon and Nashville Yards received about $30 million in incentives from Metro Nashville government to help defray development costs. 
  • Amazon executives also reported $3,000 in donations to Briley's campaign. Ragan-Smith Associates, which is engineering the Yards development, reported $8,100 in Briley contributions. 
  • Briley was the only mayoral candidate who got donations from Amazon executives and the political action committee "A Better Nashville" that the company financed...
  • ...Freddie O'Connell got $43,325, including $2,000 from Amazon and $12,800 from Miller's Icon Entertainment Group companies. 
  • Russ Pulley, who has no challengers for his seat overseeing parts of Green Hills and Midtown, collected $13,000 from real estate interests.
  • Jeremy Elrod attracted $13,250 from real estate interests.

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