Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Impressive list of people endorse Carol Swain

I am convinced that John Cooper is the person we need for Nashville's next mayor.  I view the number one problem facing Nashville as mismanagement and massive debt. I am convinced John Cooper is the best person equipped to address these issues.

Many of my Republican friends are supporting Carol Swain.  Early in the race, before Cooper declared, I too supported Swain.  Last year when Swain ran against Briley I supported her. Not only am I now supporting Cooper because I think he is the best person equipped to deal with the problems we face, but on a pragmatic level I do not see a path to victory for Swain. She is an opinionated outspoken conservative with many things she has pontificated about. In a progressive city like Nashville, I simply do not think she can win.  Even under the best of circumstances, with a less opinionated or published candidate, a moderate Republican can only garner about 35% of the vote.

While I don't think she can win, Swain has picked up some impressive endorsements. John Rich of the Country music superstar duo Big and Rich is hosting a fundraiser on her behalf.

Dr. Ming Wang has endorsed her. You may know Dr.Wang from his full page ads in the Tennessean promoting his lasik eye surgery clinic. You also may know him as host of the annual Eye Ball fundraiser event which promotes classic ballroom dancing and raises money for the non-profit Wang Foundation for sight restoration. I have met Dr. Wang several times and have attended several events at his home. He is a remarkable multi-talented person. He is not only a leader in lasik surgery here in Nashville but is a world renowned leader in the field, having made worthwhile contributions to various areas of molecular biology. He has a compelling life story having escaped China durning the worst period of Chinese Communist totalitarian rule, known as the Cultural Revelation.  He fled China with only a few dollars in his pocket to become an extremely successful vision surgeon. He tells his story in a autobiography that I have read and recommend, From Darkness to Sight. Dr. Wang is also a board member of the Tennessee Republican Minority Coalition, co-founder, Tennessee Immigrant and Minority Business Group, and founding president of Tennessee Chinese Chamber of Commerce.

Nashville resident and world renowned economist and developer of the Laffer Curve, Dr. Arthur Laffer, has endorsed Carol Swain. Focus on the Family’s Dr. James Dobson has endorsed her. Nashville-based national financial guru and radio host Dave Ransey has endorced her as has Dennis Prager, of the on-line Prager University. Evangelist Alveda King, niece of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, came to Nashville to host a fundraiser on her behalf.

That is an impressive list of supporters. It still does not change by support for John Cooper, but I am impressed.

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  1. You are a decent person so please don't take this personally, you were wrong about Trump you are wrong about Carol.

    1. I agree...I was not paying much attention last time around, but I did support Carol. Rod is lot smarter than me, but all he can do is make an educated guess. He is speculating. I think last time was an unusual situation. I think she has won over a lot of people. In my District far more yards have Carol Swain yard signs than any other Mayor candidate. I am sad that people who like Carol's positions better than Cooper's are voting for Cooper. If they were campaigning as hard for Carol this time around as they did last time, I think Carol would win more easily, but I still think she may win. I already voted for her.
