Wednesday, July 31, 2019

My endorsements in the August 1 election.

John Cooper
for Mayor 
Mayor:  John Cooper
Robert Swope
District 4

Steve Glover
Councilman at-large
Council at-large: Steve Glover

District 1: Johnathan Hall

District 2: No recommendation

District 3: No recommendation

District 4: Robert Swope

Dan Fitzpatrick
District 7
District 5: No recommendation but please do not vote for Pam Murray. Vote for the best of the candidates between Charles Flowers or Sean Parker.
Image result for tim garrett nashville tn
Tim Garrett
District 10

District 6: Write in your own name.

District 7: Dan Fitzpatrick

District 8:  No recommendation

District 9:  No recommendation

District 10:  Tim Garrett

District 11:  Larry Hager

District 12: Geric Smith

District 13:  Dan Meridith
Dan Meridith
District 13

Geric Smith
District 12

District 14:  No recommendation. The incumbent is running unopposed.

District 15:  Skip voting or write in your own name. The incumbent is running unopposed

District 16:  Tony  Tenpenny

District 17: Skip voting in this race or write in your own name.

District 18:  No recommendation

District 19: Skip voting in this race or write in your own name.
Thom Druffel
District 23

Tony Tenpenny
District 16
District 20: No recommendation. If I had nothing to go on except what I know now, I would probably
vote for Mary Carolyn Roberts, the incumbent.

District 21: No recommendation.

District 22:  No recommendation.

District 23: Thom Druffel

District 24: Skip voting in this district or write in your own name.

Courtney Johnson
District 26
District 25: The incumbent is running unopposed. No recommendation.
Michelle Foreman
District 35

District 26: Courtney Johnson  

District 27: Robert Nash 

District 28: No recommendation

District 29: No recommendation

District 30: Lydia Hubbell

District 31: No recommendation

District 32: No recommendation
Aangive Henderson, District 34

Lydia Hubbell
District 30
District 33: No recommendation
District 34: Angie Henderson

District 35: Michelle Foreman

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