Monday, July 01, 2019

Nashville Business Coalition endoreses Briley, and various candidates for council.

Don't make the mistake of thinking that being pro-business and conservative is the same thing. Often big business's biggest concern is that no one rock the boat and wreck their gravy train. Prudent financial management, cutting waste, and improving government efficiency are seldom priorities with big business. They want to elect people they can work with.

A big business group, the Nashville Business Coalition, made their endorsements last week and endorsed for reelection Mayor David Briley. They also made three endorsements for Council at-large but none of them were Steve Glover. I like a few of their endorsements for distract Council such as Robert Swope and Tim Garret.  In making their district endorsements, it looks like they were playing it safe and mostly betting on people with no opposition or minimal opposition. They endorse a lot of incumbents and skipped making endorsements in a lot of districts.

The Nashville Business Coalition's board of directors includes several business big wigs, such as Ralph Schulz, CEO of the Nashville Area Chamber of Commerce; Lee Molette, owner, Molette Investment Services; Jim Schmitz, market leader of Elliot Davis; and James Weaver, a lobbyist with Waller Lansden Dortch & Davis LLP.

Besides Briley for mayor, here is who else the coalition endorsed: 

  • Vice Mayor: Jim Shulman (incumbent)
  • Metro Council At-large: Sharon Hurt (incumbent), Sheri Weiner, Burkley Allen
  • Metro Council District 3: Jennifer Gamble
  • District 4: Robert Swope (incumbent)
  • District 8: Nancy VanReece (incumbent)
  • District 9: David McMurry OR Tonya Hancock
  • District 10: Tim Garrett
  • District 12: Erin Evans
  • District 14: Kevin Rhoten (incumbent)
  • District 15: Jeff Syracuse (incumbent)
  • District 18: John Green
  • District 19: Freddie O'Connell (incumbent)
  • District 20: Mary Carolyn Roberts (incumbent)
  • District 23: Thom Druffel
  • District 25: Russ Pulley (incumbent)
  • District 26: Jeremy Elrod (incumbent)
  • District 27: Robert Nash
  • District 31: John Rutherford
  • District 34: Terry Jo Bichell
(The source of this information is The Nashville Business Journal. Link)

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