Thursday, July 04, 2019

Out-of-State ultra liberal groups support progressives for Metro Council

A group called, "The Working Families Party" has endorsed a candidate for Council at-large in the upcoming Metro election.  This organization joins other ultra liberal groups like the  LGBTQ Victory Fund and the Women for Tennessee's Future  in attempting to influence Metro elections.  This is relatively new. In the past local elections were mostly local affairs.

Working Families Party uses the usual rhetoric of the left focusing on stroking class envy and claiming, "the very wealthiest just get richer and richer."  Their issues include affordable housing, climate change, debt-free higher education, LGBTQ issues, immigrant rights, paid family and medical leave and a $15 minimum wage.

In Nashville,  the WFP has endorsed Gicola Lane for Metro Council at Large.  This is the first time the organization has endorsed a candidate in Nashville and it looks like this is their first endorsement of a candidate in Tennessee. Lane led the successful Amendment 1 charter referendum campaign to create Nashville’s police Community Oversight Board.  In April, Lane attended a Working Families Party candidate training program.  It is not know how much money, WFP will funnel to Lane.

There are more progressive candidates running for Metro Council than ever before and they are being supported by outside forces.  If most of them are elected, we will have the most liberal council we have ever had.  While the state keeps Metro Nashville from going to far to the left by prohibiting sanctuary cities, prohibiting a city minimum wage,  and protecting some property rights, a far left Council could still wreck havoc and change the culture of the city.  It appears to me, that their is a national focus on Nashville to make it a beacon of progressive politics. I hope that citizens focus on this election and do not allow outside left-wing organization to pick our next Council.

While I wish local non-partisan elections could be decided by local people and focus on local issues, if the left is going to try to nationalize local elections, I wish there was a counterbalance from the right.  I know of no national conservative organizations supporting council candidates.

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