Monday, July 01, 2019

These Council members voted AGAINST raising your property taxes.

John Cooper, at-large
 Council Member, 
Candidate for Mayor
The following voted against raising your taxes:

Robert Swope
running for 

Steve Glover
Running at-large
John Cooper, He is currently a Council member at-large seeking the office of mayor.
Johnathan Hall, District 1
Robert Swope, District 4
Scott Davis, District 5
Nancy VanReece, District 8
Bill Pridemore, District 9
Larry Hagar, District 11
Steve Glover, Currently District 12, running at-large
Holly Huezo, District 13
Keven Rhoten, District 14
Jeff Syracuse, District 15
Mary Carolyn Roberts, District 20
Sheri Weiner, currently District 22, running at-large.
Mina Johnson, District 23
Angie Henderson
running for 
Russ Pulley, District 25
Jeremy Elrod, District 26
DavetteBlalock, District 27
Angie Henderson, District 34

Abstaining was Councilman DeCasta Hastings of District 2. The effect of abstaining is the same as casting a "no" vote.

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