Saturday, July 27, 2019

Vote for Courtney Johnston for Council in District 26

In my post yesterday of endorsement of candidates running for mayor and metro council in the August 1st election, I failed to post an endorsement of Courtney Johnson. This was unintended. I fully support her candidacy.  The elections commission did not have her financial report uploaded at the time I was analyzing council races. That contributed to my failure to list her as someone I an supporting. I have contributed to her campaign and wish her the best.

Vote for Courtney Johnston for Council in District 26

To visit her website, follow this link.

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  1. What party is Courtney Johnston?
    This "Non Partison" thing don't cut it. You are in one party or the other. I don't go for a little of both.

  2. I know Courtney Johnson to be a Republican but council races are non-partisan. One does not declare one's political affiliation and one does not run as a member of a party. There is no caucus or primary to chose the parties nominee. In Tennessee, one is a Republican or Democrat purely by identification. We do not have party registration in this state. There is no such thing as a card-carrying Republican or Democrat in Tennessee. In a partisan election however, or for a position as a party official, one may have to prove they are a "bona fide" Republican or Democrat, as the case may be.
