Sunday, July 21, 2019

Which candidates have the $ in the council district races, District 1-10. Robert Swope's opponent raises more $. Dems target Swope for defeat.

Money is important to run a campaign, even a campaign for a  district council race.  With 35 council districts, districts are too small to effectively spend money on newspaper adverting or radio or TV; still, it takes money. Mailings are expensive and yard signs cost money.  Also, there are lots of miscellaneous cost. If you have people gathering to get out a mailing, or do door-to-door canvasing, you need to buy them lunch.  Tee shirts for your campaign workers enhances visibility, but they cost. Little things add up.

One good thing about having such a large council in Nashville, is that it is still possible to win a district council race without spending a lot of money. The person who is willing to work day after day and knock doors in an efficient and organized fashion can beat the person who spends four or five times as much money as he does.  You have to have some money to mount a viable campaign, but hard work can trump money once you have just enough money.

Below I am posting a summary of the campaign financial disclosure reports for the district council races. I am going to skip those that have not sparked an interest in me but I may revisit them as time allows, so look for updates. My review of list of contributors is cursory review and I may have missed something that you would fine important. Also, I do not know all of the movers and shakers in Nashville, so you may see a contributor that means something to you but means nothing to me. To view the campaign financial reports for yourself, follow this link.

District 1
Jonathan Hall: $17,382 raised this period, No money on hand. He contributed $8646 to his own campaign. None of his opponents filed a second quarter report.

District 2
Decosta Hastings: $13,075 raised this quarter, $183 on hand. Contributors include Friends of the Police, $1,000; Amazon, $2,000; Firefighters union, $1,000; A Better Nashville PAC, $5,000; Good Government PAC (I do not know who that is.) $500;

Yolanda Hockett: raised $2921 this quarter, $1267 on hand.

Kyontze Toombs: raised $10,052 this quarter, $7,399 on hand. The Maynard Group contributed $300; Jack Cawthon of Jacks Barbecue, $250;

District 3
Jennifer Gamble: $13,582 raised this quarter, $8,081 on hand. Jack Cawthon contributed to this campaign also. Former Councilman and Judge Sam Coleman, $150;  A Better Nashville PAC contributed $7500; Friends of the Police, $1,000;

Elise Hudson; $11,620 raised this quarter, $12,494 on hand. Contributors: IAFF Local 140 (fire fighter union) $1000;

District 4
Mike Cortese: $18,090 raised this quarter, $12,841 on hand. SEIU,$500; Davidson County Democratic Party $500; Sprocket Tours LLC, $1,600; Nashville Pedal Tavern, $1,600, Nashville Toons, LLC, $1,600.

Robert Swope: $15,105 raised this quarter, $15,174 on hand. Contributors include $1,000 from the fire fighter union; Friends of the Police, $1,000; Roy Dale, $500.

Comment: Robert is one of the most conservative members of the council. Most of his contributions have been from small donors. The liberal establishment would like to see him defeated. It is rare that the Democratic Party donates money in a non-partisan council race but Robert has a target on his back. It would be a shame if he lost this election. There are only a few days left in the campaign but some last minute contributions could make the difference. I just made a donation to his campaign. To donate see Swope for Nashville.

District 5
Charles Flower: $7844 raised the quarter, $2139 on hand. Contributors include former Councilman Vernon Winfrey, $200, Jack Cawthon of Jack's Barbecue, $500; Nashville fire fighters union, $1,000,

Pam Murray: no money raised, $966 spend, no money on hand.

Comment: This is good news. Murray is a former council member who was controversial. I did not want to see her reelected. I don't know Flower  or Parker but would rather see someone else take this seat and Murray.

Sean Parker: $8404 raised this quarter, $11,377 on hand.  Sprocket Rocket contributed $1,600; Tennessee Labor PAC, $1,000.

District 6 has no candidate financial reports filed. The only candidate is incumbent Bret Withers.  

District 7
Emily Benedict: $18,327 raised, $4747 on hand. 

Client Camp: $4887 raised this quarter, $1082 on hand

Daniel Fitzpatrick: $11,674 raised, $12,865 on hand. He loaned his campaign $2000. Sproket Tours gave him $1600; Nashville Toons, $1600; Emit Jackson Martin employed by Sprocket Tours gave $1600; Rob Rafferty of the Charles Kock Institute gave $250; Nashville Pedal Taverns, LLC, gave $1600;

Stephanie Johnson: only $141 raised, no money on hand.

Randy Reed: only $40 raised, no money on hand.

Cole Rogers: $5415 raised, $5307 on hand,  A $1000 loan outstanding. Waller Lansden PAC gave $500.

Jacob Green and Stephen Downs failed to file reports.

Comment: For insight into this race see my post, Who are all of these people running for the Council in District 7.  Given that Stephanie Johnson is not a serious candidate as indicated by her financial report and  Client Camp seems underfunded to compete, and that someone with the Charles Kock foundation thought enough of Daniel Fitzpatrick to make a campaign contribution, and that I had already picked him as the candidate I was most likely to support in this race based on the opinion he expressed on his website, I am now supporting Daniel Fitzpatrick.  Visit his campaign website at Dan Fitzpatrick for Metro Council.

District 8 No reports filed. Nancy VanReese is the incumbent with one opponent. She nor her opponent Danny Williams filed campaign finance reports. Apparently Nancy VanReese did not file a form appointing a treasury so she is not required to file; Danny Williams should have filed and did not.

District 9: The candidates are Thomas George, Tonya Hancock and David McMurray I am skipping this district for now, but may revisit if time permits. To view the reports for yourself follow this link.

District 10
Tim Garrett: $11,670 raised this quarter, $34,983 on hand. He started the quarter with $30,091.  no outstanding loans. All of the contributors this quarter are small contributors and none from special interest.

Zach Young: $9087 raised this quarter, $18,492 on hand. SEIU contributed $500; Friends of Police $1000.

Comment: Tim Garrett is my preferred candidate in this race. I do not know his opponent but know Tim Garrett. I served with him in the Council in the 80's. After serving several terms in the Council, he went on to serve in the State legislature. He is fiscally conservative and I suspect fairly socially conservative. He is a Democrat but he may be the last sane Democrat left. He is competent, has a passion for service and is a person of integrity. He has deep roots in the Goodlettsville community and his family business is the Garrett funeral homes.

To be continued. Look for the next installment.

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